It is something like a bug but not really... It is possible an option to disable auto handbrake when stop? I has a real handbrake set in an analog axis and i can't to leave it if I am stopped
In FOX only i can to put 1st or Reverse gear in "Automatic Mode" i can't in "secuential" or "shifter mode"
Edit: Same problem with XFR, FXR, XRR, MRT, FBM and F08. No problems with the other cars, and no problems with Patch X30. My installation was LFS patch X-> X30-> X31
It is not much load to CPU, because I said "although each sound by itself is not good". In a mix of a song the most important it is not the sound of instruments, the most important is the result. You don't imagine how can to process an actual Core 2 duo processor.
But what many people do not know is that all these processes is possible to do in GPU.
Reproduce 1000 simple synthesized sounds for a Core 2 Duo 2,4Ghz is load that CPU about 2-10%. And if you don't believe me you can try with programs like Reason, creating 500 synths (Substractor) with two oscilators... imagine if "only" play 200 sounds and the load of processes are in the GPU
Of course, neither would be so difficult to put an option that not to play so many sounds and release load of CPU, for older PCs.
Ambient sounds? I'm not suggesting this, but that would be an added, it is too easy
I'm talking about synth every sound of the motor every piece, sound of the pistons, + tailpipe, + camshaft, ... , + each suspension, + some noises from dash, etc. ALL sounds of the car. The mix of that will be result in a rich and realistic sound
I'm thinking about this because i really like the world of audio.
I think it is a good way to synth sound and no use samples. But a great improvement well be that.
(Sorry my poor english :shy
If will synth any piece (or group of pieces) of the motor and car by separately,
although each sound by itself is not good, if uses well pan and reverb, the mix of 20 or 30 sounds result a very very rich and realistic sound of car. Also doing that it will be too easy to create a surround sound
The next patch is for graphics improvements, antialiasing.... and interiors. Will be next to sound?
The very big problem with this program is SAMPLES ARE NOT IN TUNE, and with interface is impossible to tune. And it sound very odd
I think that you would to make your program like a sampler, need options for tune and adjust curves pitch (pitch crossover), and volume crossover bee twin samples.
I don't know how to do, but these 2 problems will resolve if you can read what car are running in LFS. I think that you can, because programs like LFSTune or LFS Tweak, can read the car that are you using.
So, if you know that BF1 has 95 liters or RAC 42 liters, you can to calculate the exact liters.
And the same with RPM, and what i want to do, a specific SimView layout for each car
Fuel in % or an option to switch display in liters.
But, what I really want, is a tutorial, to make easy my own SimView. Because the actual, only arrives to 9.000 RPM, and what about F1 BMW? It has 19.000RPM, and the speedometer is in color no LCD.
The street cars, like FZ5, XRT, RB4, etc. The speedometer is a needle, it will be very nice, one SimView layout for each car